sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011
New Year's Eve outfit
Feliz 2012 y que paséis una noche inolvidable! Happy New Year and have an unforgettable night!
Te amo/Love you, Israel San José :)
viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011
The room designed by Arata Isozaki (nuestra habitación en el Silken)
Two perfect days. Just like our room in the Silken Puerta América hotel. As I told you, we chose floor 10th, designed by the Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. To see the image gallery, click here.
The room is decorated in dark colors to stand out the Japanese panel that covers the larg window. When you open it, you can see breath-taking views of Madrid city...
The red fridge adds a touch of color. The rest of the room is in black and grey colors but, inspite od this, it's not a lugubrious room. It's really misterious, nice and minimalist.
Un panel te permite regular la intensidad de la luz, la persiana y la temperatura de la habitación.
A board allows you to regulate light intensity, blind window and room's temperature.
But, undoubtedly, the best part of the room is the bathroom. It contrasts with the room (which is connected through a small window), as it is in light colors.
Really bright, in white color and wood. A combination that I personally love. The sink is made of marble, absolutely gorgeous.
And the bathtub is AWESOME. It was, in fact, what first caught our attention from the room when we saw the pictures at the website. Very spacious (enormous, I think four people can perfectly get inside haha) and made of wood, which keeps the water warm for a long, long time.
Perfecta para un baño... Como éste. Con espuma. Y con cava. Fue genial!!
Perfect for a bath... Like this one. With foam. And champagne. It was great!!
¿Qué os ha parecido? ¿Habéis estado alguna vez en este hotel? ¿Os gustó nuestra elección de planta?
What is your impression? Have you ever been to this hotel? Do you like our room?
En el que será el primer post del 2012 os mostaré un photoshoot con mi nuevo vestido verde menta de Zara, por todas las espectaculares plantas del hotel =)
I'll show you in first 2012 post a little photoshoot with my new mint green dress from Zara and all the amazing floors of the hotel :)
Disfrutad de lo que queda de 2011. Un besazoo!!
Enjoy these two last days of 2011 year! xx
-Raquel T.G.-
Fotografías personales bajo copyright. Personal pictures under copyright.
martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011
This post is to tell you about my next travel: in two hours I'll go to Madrid with my boyfriend, just for two days.
I really desire to get a Caramel Frapuccino (with cinnamon) in Starbucks...
Qué ganas tengo de un Frapuccino de Caramelo (con mucha canela) en el Starbucks...
...y de entrar en la habitación que hemos reservado en uno de los hoteles más increíbles de la ciudad: el Hotel Silken Puerta América.
...and also entering the room we have booked in one of the most amazing hotels in the city: the Silken Puerta América Hotel.
I've been previously to this hotel, attending a fashion show by the Spanish designers Esther Noriega and Rocío Mozo, in the Skynight Bar of the last floor. It was gorgeous. And now, at last, we are going to stay at the hotel.
We have chosen floor 10 (we hope there will be avaliable rooms), designed by the Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. Every floor is designed by a different artist, and every of them is amazing. I'll take pictures to show you everything at my comeback ;)
We noticed the bathroom and we loved it, it's so magical...
Tengo muchísimas ganas de ver el vestido inspirado en el cuadro de Mondrian, el cual ya vi en directo en mi viaje a Nueva York cuando visité el MoMa (click para ver el post).
We're also going to see the Yves Saint Laurent exhibition that is held at Mapfre Foundation. I really want to see its dress inspired by Mondrian (I saw the painting when I went to New York, click here to see the post).
También me quería pasar por Miu Miu, en busca de un clutch negro para Nochevieja, pero no sé si lo tendrán (en Internet estaba agotado).
I also wanted to visit Miu Miu store, because I'm looking for a black clutch for New Year's Eve, but in the Internet it was sold...
Os cuento todo a la vuelta!! :) Tell you everything at my comeback!
Un besazoo
-Raquel T.G.-

Fuente fotográfica/Picture source: Hotel Silken Puerta América & FB Fundación Mapfre Cultura
sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011
Special Edition - My own collection for So Chic store
Aquí tenéis el resultado, con imágenes de todas las prendas que he diseñado y confeccionado. ¡Espero que os gusten! Al final, también os muestro las etiquetas, diseñadas por una servidora. Están impresas en un papel dorado; quedaron muy bonitas, la verdad.
Por cierto, aunque se estén vendiendo en una tienda de Valladolid, si alguna estáis interesadas en adquirir alguno de estos diseños y no sois de aquí, podéis enviarme un correo electrónico a raqueltg.23@gmail.com y lo hablamos ;) La verdad es que están a muy buen precio, y es una oportunidad única para tener un diseño mío exclusivo.
As I already commented here, one of the owners of the So Chic store (in my city, Valladolid) has given to me the opportunity of selling my designs in her store. She entered the backstage of my fashion show and we spoke about making a special collaboration by this time with unique pieces. This is absolutely wonderful in order to not having the same dress than anyone on the last night of the year;)
Here's the result, with pictures of all the clothes that I designed and made. I hope you like them! At the end of the post, you can also see the textile labels, designed by myself. They have been printed in gold paper really beautiful.
By the way, although they are selling in a store of Valladolid, if you're interested in purchasing any of these designs, send me an email to raqueltg.23 @ gmail.com and we will talk about it ;) They have a very good price and is a unique opportunity to have an exclusive design by Raquel T.G.
· Blusa de gasa color vainilla con apliques de pétalos en bambula y georgette color azul marino ·
· Vanilla chiffon blouse with applique of petals in dark blue color ·
· Falda de seda 100% en tonos azules ·
· Skirt 100%silk in blue colors ·
· Vestido en raso color champagne con plumas azul marino en el escote. Se ciñe por medio de una lazada en el mismo tono de azul en la cintura ·
· Champagne satin dress with blue feathers at the neckline. It's tighten through a blue ribbon on the waist ·
(Detalle de las plumas/Feathers' detail)
· Vestido de tafeta tornasolada, color azul. Es asimétrico y lleva un volumen en el tirante modelado sobre maniquí ·
· Iridescent taffeta blue dress. It's asymmetrical and it has a volume on its left side, made manually over the mannequin ·
(Detalle del tirante modelado sobre maniquí a modo de flor/Detail of the flower-shaped part made manually over the mannequin)
· Vestido blanco roto en piel de ángel, con cuerpo ajustado y escote corazón. Falda con vuelo y frunces. Lleva un cancán muy suave de novia, de triple organza ·
· Withe dress in satin, with sweetheart neckline and fifted body. Skirt with gathers. It has a very soft bride cancan made of triple organza ·
· Vestido entallado de encaje negro con pailletes. Fondo nude y cremallera en la espalda
· Black lace dress with paillettes, nude background and zip on its back ·
La gama cromática parte del azul marino y el negro, pasando también por los crema y el champagne. Los tejidos seleccionados han sido el encaje, la tafeta, la gasa y el satén, con apliques de plumas y pétalos hechos a mano.
Los diseños se caracterizan por su elegancia y feminidad, con detalles que los convierten en piezas muy especiales, y confeccionados en tejidos de calidad.
I've chosen as colors dark blue, black, nude, white and champagne. The fabrics and textures that I've used have been lace, silk, taffeta and satin, with handmade petals and beautiful feathers.
The designs are really elegant and femenine, with details that turn them into very special pieces, and in quality fabrics.
Si sois de Valladolid, ya sabéis que podéis echarlos un vistazo en So Chic - Calle Montero Calvo, nº 26. 47001, Valladolid. Tfno: 983392026
Contádme qué os han parecido y si ya tenéis vuestro vestido para Nochevieja! :) -Yo llevaré uno de los de mi colección "Inmersión"- Un besazooo!
Tell me what do you think about these designs and if you have already got your dress for New Year's eve =) I'll be wearing one from my "Inmersion" collection.
-Raquel T.G.-